Saturday, February 27, 2010

The Heart of a Bear!

Workout 1 - REDO! Brisk five-minute warm up walk. Then alternate 60 seconds of jogging and 90 seconds of walking for a total of 20 minutes.

3:13:00pm - Start!

3:18:00pm - Walk briskly for 5 minutes, complete. Silver Star (3.00MPH.)

3:19:00pm - Run for 60 seconds, done. Gold Star (5.00MPH is good enough for me, and Bobby McGee!)

3:20:30pm - Walk for 90 seconds, bingo. Gold Star (2.00MPH)

3:20:50pm - Breathing really hard. Wheezing. Sweating.

3:21:30pm - Run for 60 seconds, achieve! Gold Star. (5.00MPH)

3:23:00pm - Walk for 90 seconds, conclude. Gold Star. (2.00MPH)

3:23:40pm - Hurts to breath. Want to curse. Want to cry. Maybe I am? I can't see.... Sweat (or tears? Maybe it's blood!?) in eyes.

3:23:50pm - The devil is camping out in my lungs building a bonfire.. Lungs burn!

3:24:00pm - Run for 60 seconds, annihilated! Gold Freaking Star. (5.00MPH)

3:25:30pm - You're effing crazy if you think I'm increasing the speed past 2.00MPH, you know what.. just to show you how serious I am, I'm dropping the speed to 1.80MPH.

3:26:30pm - Imagine a bear chasing you and you'll run faster? I'll be damned if that's true! I make a mean porridge, you moron! Eff off.

3:26:59pm - I give up. You win.

I ate Cheerios for lunch. Pretty sure those will counter-balance the heart attack looming from the extra weight I have settled around my midsection.

1 comment:

  1. I bet 5MPH is too fast for your short little legs. You're not supposed to do an all-out run, I bet you can jog at less than 5MPH.... Either that, or why don't you increase your walking time to double (3 minutes) and do 60 seconds on, 3 minutes off for the first few workouts? I'm starting to fear you're going to give up and I want to see the final product of you running a 5K!
